Good Evening, We are BRG.
The British Racing Green collective are in residency at The Lombard Method, Birmingham from the 3rd to the 18th of July. This blog will log their progression throughout the residency and will be updated regularly over the two week period.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Saturday 17th July, 5.30 - 10pm, The Lombard Method
Due to Sundays fragile minds and bodies (from what was on the table in the space and in the varying pubs, bars and nightclub). i write this blog from Jasons house on Monday. We left Birmingham around 6pm on Sunday after clearing the space
We thank everyone who came on Saturday to view and discuss what we had been doing for the last two weeks ... there was a great crowd lovely food and a lot of interesting conversations, including processes, conclusions, collectives as well as teaching, spaces, and shopping.
Congratulations go out to James who beat the West Midlands Pool Champion in the Anchor.

We thank everyone who came on Saturday to view and discuss what we had been doing for the last two weeks ... there was a great crowd lovely food and a lot of interesting conversations, including processes, conclusions, collectives as well as teaching, spaces, and shopping.
Congratulations go out to James who beat the West Midlands Pool Champion in the Anchor.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Questions posed fromThe Lombard Method to BRG
TLM - Why did you want to do a residency at TLM?
BRG - BRG is a collective still in it's infancy and this residency provided a great opportunity to work within a space as a group, to develop our processes and to explore Birmingham and what is taking place here.
TLM - What have you done over the last two weeks?
BRG - Because of the fact that different people have been around throughout the residency it has become a lot like a game of exquisite corpse. when one person leaves another person adapts to what they do and changes it slightly. This method has been an interesting way of integrating the group together, through creating work that is not precious and constantly adaptable.
TLM - How did that become this event?
BRG - It evolved.
TLM - How has it been useful for you?
BRG - We exist through online communication, we have no base and so to be allowed to have for a fortnight has enabled us to solidify the reasons we created the group in the first place. Also to be introduced to other groups in Birmingham, is really exciting, there so much going on.
TLM - You Seem to use a limited colour palette in this case blue an silver could you tell us more about this decision.
BRG - By limiting your colour palette you are limiting the number of variables you have to think about. this technique is really useful for such a disparate and incoherent group as ourselves. We then have the ability to concentrate on form and placement, in the knowledge that it will 'hang' together in a way.
It is also like a brand, a way of marketing yourselves making things you do instantly recognisable.
TLM - There was talk of time travel initially, how did it come about and where did it go?
BRG - There is always talk of time travel at some point.
TLM - What are we (Audience) looking at?
BRG - The nature of BRG means that the audience will become part of the residency, we feel that conversations happening throughout the residency are the artwork. BRG has always been transient and the work that exists within the room is much more like wallpaper, a talking point, a way to show our thoughts of Birmingham.
TLM - Do you work collaboratively?
BRG - We thought we did/didn't, then we started arguing about it.
TLM - How does the editing process work?
BRG - One person gets up in the middle of the night and puts it in the bin.
TLM - You've been playing with a lot of materials and stuff, can you tell us more about your making process?
BRG - At this point we start work as individual artists, bringing our preferences to the floor, it is in the editing process where the collaboration really begins.
TLM - What is the event for?
BRG - 3hrs 30mins
BRG - BRG is a collective still in it's infancy and this residency provided a great opportunity to work within a space as a group, to develop our processes and to explore Birmingham and what is taking place here.
TLM - What have you done over the last two weeks?
BRG - Because of the fact that different people have been around throughout the residency it has become a lot like a game of exquisite corpse. when one person leaves another person adapts to what they do and changes it slightly. This method has been an interesting way of integrating the group together, through creating work that is not precious and constantly adaptable.
TLM - How did that become this event?
BRG - It evolved.
TLM - How has it been useful for you?
BRG - We exist through online communication, we have no base and so to be allowed to have for a fortnight has enabled us to solidify the reasons we created the group in the first place. Also to be introduced to other groups in Birmingham, is really exciting, there so much going on.
TLM - You Seem to use a limited colour palette in this case blue an silver could you tell us more about this decision.
BRG - By limiting your colour palette you are limiting the number of variables you have to think about. this technique is really useful for such a disparate and incoherent group as ourselves. We then have the ability to concentrate on form and placement, in the knowledge that it will 'hang' together in a way.
It is also like a brand, a way of marketing yourselves making things you do instantly recognisable.
TLM - There was talk of time travel initially, how did it come about and where did it go?
BRG - There is always talk of time travel at some point.
TLM - What are we (Audience) looking at?
BRG - The nature of BRG means that the audience will become part of the residency, we feel that conversations happening throughout the residency are the artwork. BRG has always been transient and the work that exists within the room is much more like wallpaper, a talking point, a way to show our thoughts of Birmingham.
TLM - Do you work collaboratively?
BRG - We thought we did/didn't, then we started arguing about it.
TLM - How does the editing process work?
BRG - One person gets up in the middle of the night and puts it in the bin.
TLM - You've been playing with a lot of materials and stuff, can you tell us more about your making process?
BRG - At this point we start work as individual artists, bringing our preferences to the floor, it is in the editing process where the collaboration really begins.
TLM - What is the event for?
BRG - 3hrs 30mins
Morning is Broken

Happy with the space projector up, objects set, drawings on wall, table and chairs ready for the people ... beer, food, and thoughts to come.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Eastside wandering...
Matt, Jason, Ed and Sam walked to The Custard Factory, bought lunch and saw a some jazzy blues musicians playing outside a new gallery.
Met Jo and Sarah from The Lombard Method on the way to Grand Union. We saw structural studio spaces within Grand Union housing practical space for eight local artists. Great design and a superb use of space... actually reminded me of one of the books discussed at Eastside Projects in the talk last night ('How to build your own Living Structures' revisited by Ken Isaacs), using a space to its full potential.
Then got shown the Project Space at Grand Union. A good sized open plan space with a great view over a skip graveyard and superb natural light.
Stopped off at IKON Eastside gallery on the way back and sat in on the video of Carl Palmer's drumming by Andrew Cross. Awesome drumming but not quite sure how I see it as art, but a really nice space.
Now back in the studios discussing plans on tomorrows opening...

Then got shown the Project Space at Grand Union. A good sized open plan space with a great view over a skip graveyard and superb natural light.
Now back in the studios discussing plans on tomorrows opening...
Friday - stomach is telling me it's lunchtime
Matt E
Lots of talk, critical disscusion and decision making.
We have talked about the 'event' ideas of a discussion room and a display room (or not), Taking everything out and leaving only the blog as a trace, one key work each!!??
A few things still being played with: I am working with lights under floor boards, exploring an inbetween space, not unlike trains stations and my roadside experience - a space no one wants to be a waste land, a nothing space.
Lots of talk, critical disscusion and decision making.
We have talked about the 'event' ideas of a discussion room and a display room (or not), Taking everything out and leaving only the blog as a trace, one key work each!!??
A few things still being played with: I am working with lights under floor boards, exploring an inbetween space, not unlike trains stations and my roadside experience - a space no one wants to be a waste land, a nothing space.
Bought this bunting yesterday, unfortunately it was not the type i really wanted - i was looking for triangular, multi-coloured bunting that would be hung in the entrance room. One side of each panel would have benn painted silver, this would have been the panel that is visible when you enter the space, maybe creating an odd juxtapositioning of one flat colour and the constrasting vibrancy.
I thought i would just experiment with what i had anyway to see if it would help me visualise the idea.
2 days to go.
Arrived back in the space now.
Sam is wiring light fittings.
Matt E is drawing floorboards.
Ed is on the Roof with his chainsaw, the top hat needs a trim.
Jason is drawing.
wait... Matt has just gone to make tea.
Anything considered a 'working drawing' has been stuck to the wall in the chapel room.
Today is all about considering. In fact, the past two weeks have been all about considering.
The event has been considered as well as, if not more than, anything that has been made over the last two weeks. Yet still no real conclusions.
It is fact that there will be people arriving tomorrow evening.
Sam is wiring light fittings.
Matt E is drawing floorboards.
Ed is on the Roof with his chainsaw, the top hat needs a trim.
Jason is drawing.
wait... Matt has just gone to make tea.
Anything considered a 'working drawing' has been stuck to the wall in the chapel room.
Today is all about considering. In fact, the past two weeks have been all about considering.
The event has been considered as well as, if not more than, anything that has been made over the last two weeks. Yet still no real conclusions.
It is fact that there will be people arriving tomorrow evening.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
JP's back
Drove straight from Cardiff at 4, arrived in Birmingham at 6:15.
Went to another talk at Eastside projects. A talk by an artist named Dan who explained his selection of books for the Eastside Projects library. Very well manicured hands, we all noticed, projected onto a large wall flicking through books on SAS survival, Mushrooms and how to make living structures....
Food in The Crown. Fish and Chips. Proper.
Back to The Lombard Method. Jo and Sarah were there, we discussed the plans for Saturday and realised that there weren't really many at this point.
We were asked if we needed to take anything away from the space if it is not to be seen as an exhibition.
The key point of this whole residency is for BRG to work together in a space. It seems to me that the processes involved in making Artworks are as much about taking away as they are about adding. Editing is important and especially in a group such as ours.
The plan over the next few days is to add AND remove, all the while keeping in mind that we are working towards an evening of discussion and not private view..... I think.
Time to just spend time. Hard work starts tomorrow.
Went to another talk at Eastside projects. A talk by an artist named Dan who explained his selection of books for the Eastside Projects library. Very well manicured hands, we all noticed, projected onto a large wall flicking through books on SAS survival, Mushrooms and how to make living structures....
Food in The Crown. Fish and Chips. Proper.
Back to The Lombard Method. Jo and Sarah were there, we discussed the plans for Saturday and realised that there weren't really many at this point.
We were asked if we needed to take anything away from the space if it is not to be seen as an exhibition.
The key point of this whole residency is for BRG to work together in a space. It seems to me that the processes involved in making Artworks are as much about taking away as they are about adding. Editing is important and especially in a group such as ours.
The plan over the next few days is to add AND remove, all the while keeping in mind that we are working towards an evening of discussion and not private view..... I think.
Time to just spend time. Hard work starts tomorrow.
Back from walk did not make it to IKON Eastside.
Looked around the Custard Factory, water feature in the courtyard, was circulating magically. Went to some of the Vintage shops in there, some really cool stuff, decided that Market clothing should be the new fashion. Ate tuna mayonnaise baguettes, crisps and ed had a bottle of water, Sam had a chocolate muffin. Swagged some wood cutlery from there that we may use.
Went to Rag Market - really good, interesting the comparison of Market to the main one in Cardiff, large warehouse with so many things, Sam bought some screwdrivers, and Ed bought a shirt.
Then went to Sports Direct Sam bought socks, football gloves and bunting, ed bought socks and shoes.
throughout our sort excursion we discussed, lifestyle within creative industries, fashion, the birmingham art scene in comparison to Cardiff, Bristol and Birmingham. What can we take from this city to use in our own.
Ed is experimenting with matches, and Sam is about to work with the bunting.
Looked around the Custard Factory, water feature in the courtyard, was circulating magically. Went to some of the Vintage shops in there, some really cool stuff, decided that Market clothing should be the new fashion. Ate tuna mayonnaise baguettes, crisps and ed had a bottle of water, Sam had a chocolate muffin. Swagged some wood cutlery from there that we may use.
Went to Rag Market - really good, interesting the comparison of Market to the main one in Cardiff, large warehouse with so many things, Sam bought some screwdrivers, and Ed bought a shirt.
Then went to Sports Direct Sam bought socks, football gloves and bunting, ed bought socks and shoes.
throughout our sort excursion we discussed, lifestyle within creative industries, fashion, the birmingham art scene in comparison to Cardiff, Bristol and Birmingham. What can we take from this city to use in our own.
Ed is experimenting with matches, and Sam is about to work with the bunting.
The Real Thursday
Firstly apologies for the wrong posting of the date yesterday... let me assure you that today is definitely Thursday.
Slow day today, just really got to the space need for breakfast/ lunch.
going to go for a walk > food > IKON Eastside > Custard Factory > Other > Rag Market > Lombard Method
Abit about last night as well...
Went to Moseley had some amazing food from Atlantis Fish Bar:
Sam had: Steak and Onion Pie, with small chips
Ed had: Haddock and Chips
Tim (from TLM) had: Doner Meat, Chips and a Spring Roll for later.
Went to a Gingerfest (a celebration of being ginger, which Sam and Ed are not, tho Tim was sporting an orange tshirt) in the Flying Cocks, great pub, black ornate ceiling great as well as barometer, and clock tower.
Had a chat with man in Sainsburys - the Beer fridge was broken so it was too dangerous to pick up our own. Got some fine Ales.
Walked back to Joe and Sarahs new house, some big beautiful houses on the way talked about travel, and theft. polished off a couple beers in the living room then bed.
Slow day today, just really got to the space need for breakfast/ lunch.
going to go for a walk > food > IKON Eastside > Custard Factory > Other > Rag Market > Lombard Method
Abit about last night as well...
Went to Moseley had some amazing food from Atlantis Fish Bar:
Sam had: Steak and Onion Pie, with small chips
Ed had: Haddock and Chips
Tim (from TLM) had: Doner Meat, Chips and a Spring Roll for later.
Went to a Gingerfest (a celebration of being ginger, which Sam and Ed are not, tho Tim was sporting an orange tshirt) in the Flying Cocks, great pub, black ornate ceiling great as well as barometer, and clock tower.
Had a chat with man in Sainsburys - the Beer fridge was broken so it was too dangerous to pick up our own. Got some fine Ales.
Walked back to Joe and Sarahs new house, some big beautiful houses on the way talked about travel, and theft. polished off a couple beers in the living room then bed.
Working out how to geth back...
Been working since leaving Brum so not had time to work out transport/ fix the car. Bit worried the car won't make it all the way so am looking into trains.
The work from the last few days is looking good, much bolder and imposing which is something Jason and I were talking about.
Hopefully be in brum by early evening if all goes to plan.
Matt E
The work from the last few days is looking good, much bolder and imposing which is something Jason and I were talking about.
Hopefully be in brum by early evening if all goes to plan.
Matt E
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
back in the diff
Just returned from the brum trip and back safe in Cardiff.
I had a really interesting time in the space interacting with the other BRG comrades and the physicality of 68a Lombard Street.
I just had such a nice bath to ease some of the strains and aches from the football last night. prior to fish n chips and a can of coke.
there will be continual progression of objects, dialogue, interactions, as the next overlap of members will be arriving Thursday and discovering what has occured in there absence.
Roll on the next chapter! Can't wait to see the response.
I had a really interesting time in the space interacting with the other BRG comrades and the physicality of 68a Lombard Street.
I just had such a nice bath to ease some of the strains and aches from the football last night. prior to fish n chips and a can of coke.
there will be continual progression of objects, dialogue, interactions, as the next overlap of members will be arriving Thursday and discovering what has occured in there absence.
Roll on the next chapter! Can't wait to see the response.
Today Thursday
Eds wood carving area
Castrol drawing placed under window in Chaple Room
The tshirt i have been wearing today, themed
The two Sams went and played football for half an hour, to get some practice in a local park next to Paragon Hotel, it was hot and slopeing, found a plateau at the top made a couple good moves.
Hasler is leaving soon, going to get the National Express back to Cardiff
Blood & Sweat
Day after football slightly stiff but surprised about my ability to play - couple good passes on, pressurising defence and some close misses, but victory alluded us... we will seek revenge when we play again (after extensive practise).
Was really good to meet the guys, an odd way of meeting where you only know the name then are competitively trying to barge and kick past them. Unfortunately the passion for the game took over and the idea of documenting our match in photographic form was overlooked
Went to the Prince Of Wales pub a stark contrast to the same name pub in Cardiff, spoke to a man who was nearly stabbed with a pair of scissors when dressed as a Dalek, and had a pint of Black Country special.. nice. Then walked back to the house stopping off for Pizza x2, Wedges x2, and Garlic Bread x2 from Caspian.
today i am unsure.. need for refreshment that the Fried Breakfast at the York Cafe just cant give, going to do some drawings based on the ideas of the Dutch's Total Football and how this can be used within the Artist Collective....................................................
Day after football slightly stiff but surprised about my ability to play - couple good passes on, pressurising defence and some close misses, but victory alluded us... we will seek revenge when we play again (after extensive practise).
Was really good to meet the guys, an odd way of meeting where you only know the name then are competitively trying to barge and kick past them. Unfortunately the passion for the game took over and the idea of documenting our match in photographic form was overlooked
Went to the Prince Of Wales pub a stark contrast to the same name pub in Cardiff, spoke to a man who was nearly stabbed with a pair of scissors when dressed as a Dalek, and had a pint of Black Country special.. nice. Then walked back to the house stopping off for Pizza x2, Wedges x2, and Garlic Bread x2 from Caspian.
today i am unsure.. need for refreshment that the Fried Breakfast at the York Cafe just cant give, going to do some drawings based on the ideas of the Dutch's Total Football and how this can be used within the Artist Collective....................................................
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